Student Spotlight: Maya Nathan ‘24
What has been the biggest challenge in keeping kosher in college?
The biggest challenge about keeping kosher is making sure I have enough protein. Since I can’t eat meat I have to look for other options. Another challenge is just finding food in the dining hall. Sometimes they add meat to everything and I could have the same meals over and over again for days.
Why do you continue to keep kosher?
I was raised keeping kosher and I have never had a reason to break it. To me, it’s a constant way to stay connected to my Jewish side in a face-changing world. No matter where I am, I practice Judaism.
Do you feel that keeping kosher is worth the sacrifices you make?
While keeping kosher is a sacrifice I believe it is worth it. It is a lesson of Judaism my parents instilled in me. However, it is my own choice to continue to keep it. I like being kosher and I don’t feel the need to break it.
How do you think keeping kosher brings you closer to Judaism?
I think keeping kosher brings me closer to Judaism because of tradition. To me Judaism is a culture and religion focused on tradition. By being kosher I keep a Jewish tradition daily.