Rabbi Ari Jun to lead Hillel at Miami’s High Holiday services

We are so thrilled to be welcoming Rabbi Ari Jun to Hillel at Miami for this year’s High Holiday season!

Rabbi Ari Jun is the director of Cincinnati’s Jewish Community Relations Council. Ordained at the Hebrew Union College in 2015, his career has included community organizing, scholarship on Jewish literature, congregational leadership, and higher education administration. He is devoted to social justice and tikkun olam, working to address pressing concerns facing our communities. He firmly believes in the power of education and has established various initiatives to give individuals the knowledge and skills they need to sustain and improve their lives. He promotes the values of inclusivity and justice, advocating on behalf of the Jewish community and other marginalized groups. Likewise, he actively engages in interfaith dialogue and is known for his passion for interfaith collaboration and bridge building. Rabbi Jun lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with his wife Hara and their two cats, and they are near many other family members who are lifelong Cincinnatians.

We are excited to share that this year’s High Holiday schedule will feature the following meal and prayer service opportunities, which will all be located at Hillel at Miami University’s building - 11 E. Walnut Street:

  • October 2 @ 6 PM - Erev Rosh Hashanah Dinner and Services

  • October 3 @ 10 AM - Rosh Hashanah Morning Services

  • October 11 @ 7 PM - Erev Yom Kippur Dinner & Kol Nidre Services

  • October 12 @ 10 AM - Yom Kippur Morning Services

  • October 12 @ 8 PM - Break the Fast Dinner

Our student leadership team will be working in partnership with Rabbi Jun and our Assistant Director, Devra Sadler, in order to build creative and engaging programs to compliment all of our service options. We look forward to welcoming everyone this High Holiday season!


Hillel at Miami’s FY24 Annual Report


Welcome from the Executive Director